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Hey, I believe in transparency on the internet. There isn’t enough of it. Please read through all of the disclaimers below as they apply to all content on this website as well as any content in my courses or part of my brand, Discover Your Creator.

General Disclaimer

The information provided on this website and related products is for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as financial or other advice or recommendation. This information was created with the best data available at the time the content was published and is believed to be accurate as best as the authors can distinguish.

Affiliate Disclaimer

This website contains affiliate links, which means that the owners of the site may receive a commission if you purchase a product or service through any links provided on this website or in related products. This does not impact the integrity of our content and we only share content and products that we believe are credible, trustworthy, and useful for the intended purpose. We also do not receive any free products, services, or anything of that nature in exchange for our partnership with these brands. The only compensation received is in the form of affiliate commissions.

Earnings Disclaimer

Because of the nature of the content on this website, we feel it necessary to include a disclaimer related to financial earnings. The content on this website and in related products presents information related to financial earnings, but we do not provide any guarantee or warranty that implementing the same or similar techniques or strategies will bring you any success, financial or otherwise. The examples and other information that we provide on this website and in related products are used for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a promise of earnings or a get-rich-quick scheme in any way. You are solely responsible for your financial earnings and the level of success that you reach is entirely dependent on a multitude of factors, including your skills, financial resources, and knowledge of business and marketing.

Forward-Looking Statements

The information on this website and in related products may contact forward-looking statements as defined by the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements contain our thoughts and beliefs about future expectations or events. They are generally identifiable by the use of any of these words (but not exclusively): “believe,” “anticipate,” “think,” “expect,” “estimate,” and “plan.” This includes words synonymous with the meaning of these words. They are also identifiable in that they do not relate to any historical or current facts. We use these forward-looking statements to express opinions of potential changes and earnings, but they are just that: opinions. We believe them to be accurate at the time that they are expressed, but there is no guaranteed accuracy and they may no longer be accurate after being expressed. Although we do our best to make sure that this information is as up to date as possible, We disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy or duty to update these statements or any other similar statements in our website and related products.

All links provided on this website are for informational purposes only and are not warranted for accuracy or any other implied or explicit purposes. The information on this website is copyrighted by Discover Your Creator. No information, in part or full, can be copied or altered in way without explicit permission from the site owners.


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